Naturally Yours.


Welcome to Scenic Botanica, Brookfield’s newest residential community in the heart of Melbourne’s thriving Western region. Scenic Botanica has been purposefully designed to connect people to nature. All of the generous residential lots, parks, community and sporting amenities are linked to the unique natural valley that winds its way through the estate to the tranquil reservoir below.

Scenic Botanica, is expected to be home to more than 800 families, a new primary school and future shops in the neighbourhood activity centre. Scenic Botanica is all about offering a well balanced lifestyle, with the estate linked in walkable, natural surroundings, promoting personal wellbeing through connection to nature.

The estate’s natural beauty alongside the convenience to all the local established amenities and proposed amenities, means you can have the best of both worlds.


  • Our Values

    To create an exceptional residential community, with an aim to establish a strong sense of community, connection to nature, and a sense of wellbeing.

  • Our Design

    Our values have driven integrated landscape and masterplan design from the beginning. The masterplan sets out an ambitious Water Sensitive Urban design (WSUD) strategy to achieve a water balanced future, from the landscaping and species choices, the lot sizes, the celebration of the natural gorge and the interconnected planning of passive and active open spaces we have ensure that all our residents are connected to nature and to a thriving and generous future.

  • Design Guidelines

    A comprehensive well balanced design guidelines have been created to assist homeowners in designing their homes to be responsive to both the natural environment and the goals that underpin the exemplary design of the whole estate. The design of individual houses and their relationships to each other enhances the estate and cohesion of community. Our guidelines help homeowners with aspirations and protect expectations with clarity and care.

  • Wellbeing

    Scenic Botanica creates an outdoor lifestyle with generously sized lots, a considered network of walking and cycling tracks that will weave through wonderful landscaped parks, ovals and the natural gorge and nature reserves that look across the picturesque reservoir.